About Me

One-stop spiritual energy services - blessing, consecrating, cleansing, healing, cosmic energy, qi-gong related courses, and wholesale and retailing of stones and crystals. My Other Blog: http://psychictavernmyblog.wordpress.com

Friday, 11 November 2011

Crystal Cleansing Bowl

The Wonderful Cleansing Bowl

This 15 " cleansing or singing bowl made of synthetic quartz is a powerful cleaner of quartz and stones, or for that matter any physical objects.

It removes all residual negative or foreign energy from the objects, and re-charges them with higher vibration. After the treatment, crystals and stones especially become brighter, more shinning and a beauty to behold - I used to tell my customers that seeing is believing.

The cleaning is done by placing the objects inside the receptacle and generating a continuous hum - more like the "OM" - by rubbing a rubberized stick along its outer edge. The sound is awesomely loud and reverberated in the immediate surrounding, attracting attention from curious passers-by.

I used to explain to customers that stone and quartz items are required to be cleaned because they would have been handled by many people- from the time they were mined to the time they are sold. So one could imagine the confusing range of good and bad vibration being inadvertently left behind in these stones by the people handling them.

And, upon requests from customers, I could strengthen and programme the quartz and stones by chanting mantras and asking for blessings.

Once, my colleague and I were experimenting with cleansing a book entitled something like Thai Black Magic....and as we were doing it, we could literary see black coloured energy rising from the book we placed in the bowl. It is surprising that printed words and pictures could carry with them the negative vibrations of the contents in the book.

And, the bowl has been so conditioned after repeated use that the mere placement of the objects in it would result in the cleaning action being automatically carried out.


Thursday, 10 November 2011

Use Of Stones and Crystals To Promote Good Feng Shui

Hang a quartz on top of each door if you have two doors face to face with one another. The occupants in the rooms with door facing each other would end up having a quarrelsome relationship. In Chinese, door is symbolized by the pictorial character of a mouth, and when two doors are opposite each other they are just like two mouths confronting each other. I recommend rose quartz to improve and harmonise relationship.

Hang a quartz from the ceiling half way between two doors which are in alignment. Best to use a natural quartz which is faceted cut. It is inauspicious to have two doors in straight alignment in any building; they are called heart piercing doors.


Place a geode of amethyst on the left hand corner of the room diagonally opposite the entrance into a room. That is the wealth corner. Can also use quartz ball or aventurine balls. (100 mm and above in diameter).


If you need to protect your main door from unwelcome intrusions by negative spirits, place a large crystal ball or an amethyst geode opposite the door.


If you have windows facing inauspicious position and objects in the landscape outside your house – sharp corners, railway tracks, hang faceted cut quartz ball from the windows. The quartz ball exposed to sunlight will also reflect rainbow colour lights into the room, making it charged with positive and lively energy.

If you need to protect your house from thieves and even negative spirits, use a laser quartz and trace the outlines of the doors and windows you wish to protect. Visualise brilliant laser white beams from the laser quartz forming an energy frame protecting the doors and windows.

Fossilized/petrified Wood brings luck and offers protection against negativity. Good to hang them on the front door, with your house number or name of the family craved on it. Or, you can hang a petrified bracelet on the inner door knob on your main door.

For couples having fertility problems, place either amethyst or agate geode or rose quartz in the bedroom near to the bed. Rose quartz is good to promote harmonious relationship between husband and wife.

If you have a toilet entrance facing your bed, or dinner table, you can also hang stones – smoky quartz – from the toilet door to neutralize the Ying damaging energy.

If you have the foot of the bed facing the door to your bedroom, you are likely to be inflicted with ailments affecting your legs. I place two tektites (can use smoky quartz, black tourmaline or black obsidian) below the bed to neutralize the adverse radiation caused by this inauspicious positioning of the bed.

To protect your toilet from negative energy, put tumbled white calcite nuggets in a glass bowl in the toilet. Make sure you cleanse the stones periodically, once a fortnight. (Can use sea salt and keep them in glass bowl overnight in toilet. Next morning flush away the salt into toilet bowl and replace them with new salt.)

In your office, if you suspect your colleagues are plotting or backstabbing you, place a quartz cluster on the upper right hand corner of your working desk.  Or, if you wish to be discreet,  hide black tourmaline or tektite nuggets below the top right hand corner of your table.

In your office, if you have a window behind you, make sure the curtains are always drawn up and try to place a large rock – jasper, smoky quartz or elestial quartz, on the window ledge to make sure you have the support of your bosses and colleagues.

(15)  Place tumbled quartz or raw black tourmaline stones in front of your computer monitor to screen away the harmful radiations from the devices. Have to cleanse the stones - especially the white quartz - once a fortnight by either salt water, or burying them in the garden overnight and thereafter expose to the morning sun to charge them up for reuse.

By Anthony

Fusion Energy Course (Immediate Level)

Fusion Energy Course (Intermediate Level)


1.       Mantra And Heart Meditation Method
2.       Walking  Meditation
3.       Activating the Micro Circulatory System using Mantra and   Breathe Control.
4.       Effective Mantra chanting for cleansing and empowering.
5.       Visualization Exercises – using programming of quartz
6.       Pyramid and Orb Cleansing Methods
7.       Etheric Hand Healing Methods
8.       Remote Healing And Sensing
9.       Divination Methods.


Fee for the course covering eight lessons over 2 months – S$790 or in two monthly installments of #395..
Course  Instructor
Anthony Leong - Practices Qi-gong, meditation and pranic and crystal healing over 20 years.
Contact Numbers:  Mobile 97721928

融气班功法 (中级)
1.    咒语与心轮静修.
2.    徒步静修.
3.    运用咒语与呼吸法启发修成小周天.
4.    有效利用咒语作净化加持
5.    利用水晶,矿石作观想法.
6.    金字塔与能量球净化加持法.
7.    能量无形手治疗法

学费:  整个课程 S$790.  可分2 期付款 – S$395X2.
导师:  梁师父 - 个人修练气功静修  与水晶能量治疗30.
联络号码:  97721928.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Fusion Energy Course (Foundation Level)

1.    Understands natural energy and its historical background.
2.    Explains physical and energy bodies, and the chakra system.
3.    Demonstration and hands-on exercises on feeling natural energy.
4.    Hands-on exercises on feeling of quartz and stones.
5.    Basic Meditation and Centering Exercises, and walking   meditation method.
6.    Using quartz and stones to help in meditation.
7.    Cleansing of quartz and stones.
8.    Basic Meditation Techniques using mantra system to open up the chakras.
9.    Revision on Meditation Techniques.
10.  Introduction to use of quartz and stones for different purposes.
11.  Programming of Stones and exercise to improve visualization.
12.  How stones affect our chakra, and their use in chakra meditation
13.  Simple pranic healing using quartz
14.  Use of pendulums for divination and forecasting purposes. 
15.  Expected Attainments:
By the end of the Course, students should have acquired ability to:-
1.  Understand fundamentals of natural energy system. Be sensitive to feeling existence of Natural Energy within and without their body.
2.  Harness energy to sense and improve their overall physical and mental well being.
3.  Gain knowledge and application of simple healing methods using natural energy.
4.  Consolidate oneself for higher levels meditation and healing. 
5.  Energy healing and energy attunement, whichever applicable, will be provided for individual during lessons.
   Investments: The course fee is S$690.00 per person – payment in full or in installments of  S$345 over two months.
  Course Instructor:  Anthony Leong - Practices Qi-gong, meditation and pranic and crystal healing over 30 years.
    Contact Numbers:  Mobile 97721928

融气道功法 (初级班)
1.          解释什么是自然()能量和其历史背景.
2.          介绍什么是物质身体能量气场 和能量气轮.
3.          示范和实习如何感应能量磁场.
4.          示范和实习如何感应水晶与矿石磁场.
5.          基本静坐与如何集中精神徒步修行实习.
6.          应用水晶与矿石能量磁场加强静坐效果.
7.          如何凈化水晶与矿石.
8.          运用咒语加强静坐效果与启发能量气轮.
9.          静坐復习.
10.         介绍水晶与矿石各种用途.
11.         如何启发加持水晶与矿石与利用它门作冥想用途.
12.         水晶与矿石如何影响我们气轮与如何利用它门加强静坐效果.
13.         如何利用水晶与矿石的能量磁场作保健治疗用途.
14.         如何运用灵摆.
课程完毕后学员会掌握以下能力: -
1.      领悟什么是自然能量.  增加对自然能量在体内体外的感应操作.
2.      运用自然能量感应能力改改善整体身心健康.
3.      领悟与运用自然能量作基本保健治疗用途.
4.      建立对高层次静修与治疗学习基础,
5.      在授课期间学员将会接受免费能量加持与治疗.
学费:  整个课程 S$790.  可分2 期付款 – S$345X2.

导师:  梁师父 - 个人修练气功静修  与水晶能量治疗30.

联络号码:  97721928.